Our commitments

The planet, our responsibility

Because our employees are our greatest asset, because the planet is our most precious possession, because we want to preserve it and because we want to offer you, our committed customers, ever more responsible consumption, Epona Sens is committed to our environment every day.


Sanitary measures

  • Sens hotel restaurant Barrier-free gestures Antiseptic solution dispensers are available at all reception desks. Masks are available on request.
  • Sens rooftop bar Register and enjoy! Pre-registration is encouraged. All reception areas (lobby, bar, restaurant, terraces, communal toilets, elevators) are cleaned regularly, using environmentally-friendly products.
  • Sens hotel restaurant Healthy air for a confident stay The ventilation of the different areas of the hotel is respected. Each room is scrupulously disinfected after each visit, according to precise procedures and subject to internal control.
  • Seminar in Burgundy Your safety is our priority Staff respect social distances from hotel guests.


Ecological measures

Energy management

  • Lighting fitted with energy-saving LED bulbs
  • Heating and air-conditioning control system

Waste management

  • Compost
  • Waste sorting
  • Reducing paper use by going paperless as much as possible
  • Cleaning rooms with ecological or eco-labelled products

Water management

  • Water economizers on all taps and showers
  • Volumetric flushes in our toilets
  • Raising guests' awareness of the importance of minimizing linen changes

Plastic reduction

  • Use of recyclable packaging
  • Elimination of individual packaging in rooms

Sustainable and local purchasing

  • Short circuits
  • Local and seasonal products
  • Suppliers with as much French production as possible, including furniture (Mobidecor), linen (Garnier Thiebaut), curtains (Sotexpro), ...

Teams and customers

  • Training teams to comply with environmental standards
  • Raising our customers' awareness

Because we need to act together, we thank you for your commitment!

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